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GOD IS A GOD OF MIRACLES December 4, 2017

Hey everyone!!

This week has been so great for the sister missionaries in Miami Oklahoma! So many good things are happening and it's wonderful! We've been able to see a lot of miracles happen. First, we were able to go to Bentonville this week for our Christmas Zone Conference which was amazing! So many good things were said and I was able to get my bike! So we can finally take a break from walking! haha But we were able to go serve and teach a few people in Baxter Springs Kansas so now I am officially a 4-state missionary, exciting :) 

We've been doing service at the Coleman Theater which is an amazing theater built in the 1920s and it's beautiful! It's been fun serving there as well as the Dobson house and museum which is all about the history of Miami and a cute families home that is over 100 years old! We love being able to do service here and reach out to the people that are so involved in the community. :)

Another miracle that happened this week was seeing the Lords hand preparing someone for us to meet. I had texted some less active members to let them know we are here for them and I shared a scripture. One person, Derek texted back and said he still believed in his religion, but didn't want to come to church right now. This was on a Thursday or Friday and then Sunday, one of our members came up to us and said she met a waiter at the Buttered Buns Cafe who said he was a less active member, but overheard her and her husband talking about the church. She got his information and gave it to us. Then we were planning out our day and trying to organize who we would visit first and when and there was a Thelma Ashworth that I was trying to figure out when we would see her and I kept trying. I said, we need to see Thelma! My companion teased me about that haha but we got it to work and went to visit her. Her son answered the door and told us she had passed away a few months ago, she was 100! He said he was a less active as well, so we got to talk to him for a bit and then a guy walked out from behind him and said Hey! I just talked to you the other day, I'm Derek! It was so cool! Later that night we got a call from Derek and he told us the must've been a reason we came to his house and we knew it was because we needed to help him come back to church. Then he started to tell us the story of him working at Buttered Buns and at that moment we realized it was the same Derek our members told us about! AH! Wow! It was so amazing! We are working with him now and it's just been a huge miracle to see how the Lord prepares those for us to teach and will put them in our paths. We are very excited about him and the chance we will have to help him :) 

Also, right after going to Thelma's house we got a call from our vehicle coordinator saying they have a car for us! So yay! We'll be getting a car soon hopefully, that was a nice tender mercy :) Then we have a cool miracle where we got a referral from a man named James Brinson. He referred himself and said he wanted a missionary visit (that is very rare) So we called him to set up a time to visit and he was already talking about going to the temple! It was so cool! He has studied about the church and actually works from some of the members in our wards family. We called him on Tuesday and asked if he would read the introduction to the Book of Mormon before we met on Friday and when we got there he had read all the way to 3rd Nephi!! It was so great!! He already knows who he wants to baptize him and is progressing so much! It's been an amazing miracle, because luckily he lives right here in Miami so we can meet with him often. I love this gospel and this work so much! I have been able to see so many amazing miracles happening and it has really strengthened my testimony in the Lord and His timing. I love it!  

The Christmas devotional was yesterday and it was sooo good!! I hope you all had a chance to watch or listen to it! The talks were so inspiring and the music was beautiful! I'm so grateful for this time of year and the chance we have to focus our thoughts on the Savior. :) 

I love and miss you all so much! I hope you are having a wonderful time celebrating the season of Christmas! Also, Light the World has started!! I know we will be able to receive many blessings as we reach out to others and help bring them closer to our Savior Jesus Christ. Don't forget to continue pressing forward feasting upon the words of Christ! 2 Nephi 31:20 :) 

Love, Sister Burton 


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