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TRUST IN THE LORD March 5, 2018

Good Morning!! 

This week has been an adventure week! We drove all the way down to Arkansas on Tuesday which was fun and then we've been working hard to find those who are prepared. Sister Najera is so great! We have been getting along so well! We understand each other I feel like and we both have the same goals for the area. We have been working on being exactly obedient with everything and it's been amazing to see the changes in us as we work on this together. It's a lot easier to do things when your companion wants to do them too :) She's also teaching me Spanish so that's awesome. 

 I was reading in 2 Nephi 4 one day and it hit me so hard. As I read verses 26 to the end I realized that was me! I was letting Satan discourage me and I started feeling bad for myself and the area, rather than trusting in the Lord. I was asking why me? Why this? Why? and these scriptures just brought me so much peace, because I didn't realize that I was letting Satan get to me. Now I am working on changing my mindset again. Trusting in the Lord isn't a one time thing. We need to continually be putting our trust in Him so that He can help us. We are to trust in Him forever. In verse 34 says, "O Lord, I have trusted in thee, and I will trust in thee forever." This was something I needed to hear to help me remember my purpose and remember that our reaction to the hard things makes all the difference. I choose to react by trusting in the Lord. I feel that I have been getting love for the Savior as I pray and read my scriptures. I am learning so much more about Him and what He desires for each of us. The more I learn about the gospel, the more I want others to know about it to. I hope to continue to work on serving the people out of love for the Savior. There is a poem called "Christ Has No Hands But Our Hands" and this is something that I think of often to remind me that Christ has no hands but our hands to do His work today. We are His hands, feet, and voice at this time and we can help bring others closer to Him. I know that I wouldn't feel this way about the people if I didn't love the Savior and want to help him first. 

I am so grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the happiness it brings us! I hope you all have a fantastic week! Thank you so much for all the support you give me! I love you all! :)

Sister Burton 


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