This week was so good and full of blessings! It started with New years eve at Bob and Wanda's. We went and they had all kinds of party toys to celebrate the new year. There were lots of people and as we were sitting there talking with our recent convert and his family (people we are trying to teach) and then these people behind saw us and talked to us for a minute and then later that night they gave us their phone number and addresses and told us to stop by soon. It was amazing!
Tuesday we had interviews with our mission president and his wife and it was wonderful. It's so good being able to talk to them. We can tell how much they truly love and care about us which is super good. That night we had our big group lesson and we were on exchanges so I took our greenie that's down here and it was such a great lesson! At first, it was crazy and chaotic. There were so many people and lots of different t conversations at once. But after we said we would like to share a message. People stopped and focused on what we were saying. We shared the video from Elder Holland and it's a testimony of the Book of Mormon, if you haven't seen it before I suggest it. It's very powerful. Everyone was paying attention and at the end we had a great discussion about the Book of Mormon. Someone we are teaching actually read the chapter we suggested to her- we were happily surprised and then she continued to talk about how she understands that in order for her to gain a testimony of it for herself she has to read it and pray about it. It was so cool that she recognized that it is up to her to use her agency to learn the gospel. I loved it soo much!!
Okay so blessings. We have seen so many blessings this week. We have been blessed with amazing members upstairs who made us food when I was sick, we have been blessed with people to teach, we recieved three referrals just this week! We have been blessed by members who bought us slacks. We have also been so blessed being able to serve in the community this week. One of the other volunteers helped push us out of the mud from where we parked. Such a sweet man.People are so great!! I love recognizing all the blessings, there's always so many!!
Another amazing thing that happened this week was we met with someone and talked to them. Now this person we've known for a while and they have been going through some hard things. We talked about it for about 2 hours and the whole time I was praying for the Spirit to help me know what to say. I wanted to be able to bring this person love and encouragement and help them know that things will get better. I said some things, but still felt like I was missing something. So I went home and prayed about it and as soon as I did, talks came to my head and a video. It was amazing that as soon as I prayed I knew exactly what I needed to share with that person. So I did! It was the talk by Elder Holland (can you tell i really like his talks? Haha) and it was from October 1999 Generak Conference. It is called "An high Priest of Good things to come" it is an AMAZING talk!! He talks about how there is hope and happiness ahead as we turn to Christ we will experience that. Life is hard. That's a known fact, but this life wasn't meant to be easy. So, what do we do?? We press forward with a steadfastness in Christ. We turn to Him and He will help us see the Joy. It's okay to have bad days, it's okay to be sad. But we must never forget our Savior. He knows exactly how you feel, meaning He is the only one that can truly heal you. I know that there is help and happiness ahead, I know that as we turn to Him and trust Him, there are good things to come. I love this soo much!!!
It's such a great talk and last night we were teaching someone and it kept coming to my mind and I shared it with her. We talked about her preparing for baptism and I told her a lot of the same things I just said. Just to help her know that with Christ she can accomplish all things and it will bring her peace and joy. We then had an amazing opportunity to set a baptism date with her. We set a goal for her to help her prepare herself to make a very special promise with God. She was very excited about it! I love this gospel so much. I know it is true, because I have seen the blessings that come from it. I know that Heavenly Father desires to bless all His children, but it's much easier for Him to do that as we turn to Him and show our love to Him in return.
I hope all y'all have a wonderful week!! And look for all the blessing that Heavenly Father has given you. I know you will be surprised at how much He has blessed you with. I love and miss you all!!! ![😊](
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