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AND SHE'S OFF TO MIAMI OKLAHOMA! ( Miam-a) November 20, 2017


I can't believe it's already Thanksgiving! Thank you so much everyone for all the wonderful emails and letters you send me! It really makes my day, I love it! This week has been so crazy, but so much fun! We had two exchanges with some other sisters in the mission and so there were four sisters in our area for two days so it was a blast! haha we had fun, because at the end of each exchange it's a tradition to get ice cream, so we got lots of ice cream. :)

We had a lot of miracles happen this week, the first one is this girl named Leah. She is AMAZING! She saw us at the table we have on campus one day and came up to us saying she was a Mormon so we invited her to all the activities and she started to come. We just thought she was a less active, but turns out she has never been baptized, but she wants to be! It was so cool talking to her and hearing her testimony. She has set the date for December and it's just so awesome! She grew up with her mom investigating the church but her dad was Catholic. But then she ran into us and took it as a sign that she needed to be baptized now. AMAZING! 
Another miracle was at the beginning of the transfer one of the investigators dropped us, which was super sad, but she came to one of the relief society activities and has now set up times to meet with us to prepare her for baptism again. It's so cool! I love this work so much! 
Also, we had an amazing opportunity to go serve the homeless food at the Episcopal church and it was such a blessing being able to help them and be a part of the community. The Spirit was so strong and I loved it. 

Another thing that happened this week was transfer calls!! Looks like I am headed to Miama Oklahoma! I'm sad to say goodbye to everyone here, but the Lord wants me in Oklahoma so I'm excited about that. I'm going to be shotgunning in (my companion and I will both be new to the area) which will be so fun! :) I do not have an address yet, but you can still send things to the mission office and it will be forwarded to me. 

Oh boy, funny story. So I was asked to give a talk for next Sunday, but then transfer calls happened Saturday night and so I thought I wasn't going to have to speak, yay! Jokes, because then we got a call Sunday morning before 10 am church asking if I could give my talk then instead. I had to quickly write my talk before church which was an adventure but it all worked out in the end except while giving the talk I was quoting Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson, but when I said her name I said Sister Bonnie L. Arkansas. It was so funny! It took me a minute to realize what I said, but it got everyone to laugh so that's good. :) 

Also, last night was the face to face with Elder Ballard and Elder Oaks for the Young Single Adults and since we are serving in the YSA we got to go watch it with them and it was sooo good!! They answered so many questions in the best way, I loved it! One of the things I loved that Elder Ballard said was something like this, "Just like breakfast, lunch, and dinner, we should come up to the table at least 3 times a day for our spiritual feeding as well." It's so true though! We should be feeding ourselves just as much spiritually if not more as well as physically. Another thing they said is that the most important label that we can carry with us is I AM A CHILD OF GOD. I LOVE this, because we are all God's children and that is the most important label we can have. It's so great! I encourage all of you to go watch the broadcast, even though it was directed to the young single adults, there are still many things that apply to everyone. :) 

I hope all of Y'all have an amazing Thanksgiving week! Don't forget to wear your sweatpants! Thank you so much for all the love and support you give me! I really am so thankful for all of you :) 

Love, Sister Burton 

I promise I will send more pictures next week! Sorry, It's still a struggle getting all the pictures downloaded and what not, but I hope these are good! :)



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