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LIGHT THE WORLD!! December 11,2017

Hey Friends and Family!

How is everyone doing? I can't believe it's almost Christmas! Time is flying by so fast! This week has been an adventure though, we've had a lot of good things happen which is awesome :) We had our interviews with our mission president and his wife this week which was wonderful! We always learn so much from them. We talked about how we should plan with the Lord in everything we do. As we pray we should be specific so that those on the other side of the veil can know what we are doing and how they can help. Isn't that so cool to think about?? My mission president's wife was telling that to my companion and I and I loved it! It's so important that we express our thoughts and desires to the Lord so that He can help us. He wants us to reach out to Him, that way He can lift us up. Which ties in perfectly with the Light the World, because in the main video for it, it shows Christ lifting people up. That is the whole purpose of this initiative. It's to lift those around us and help them see the light. It's so amazing!! I don't know how else to express my love and feelings towards this, but I know that as we strive to do little acts of service each day, we will be changing the lives of those we serve and ourselves. Who wouldn't want to do that?? :) 

We also did an exchange with the Joplin sisters and had fun serving in their area. It's amazing seeing the work in other areas and how the Lord really does prepare people for us to teach and it is a testimony builder for me for sure! I love it. There are many miracles that happen on exchanges as well cause we found new people for them to teach and while we were there, we got two referrals for our area! How cool is that?? So there are many people for us to reach out to if we put forth that effort and show our diligence to the Lord. 

We also had our cute ward Christmas party on Saturday here and it was so much fun! We went caroling the first hour to some members in the ward and then came back to the church for a live nativity program, music, and food. It was so special! You can feel the Spirit so strongly as you read and ponder the nativity and the birth of Jesus Christ. I love all the Christmas songs that go along with it that really help you feel as if you were there that night. One of my favorite songs is Mary Did You Know? It's so powerful! I love it!

I hope you are all reaching out to those around you! I know it really will not only bless the lives you reach out to, but yours as well. And what better time than Christmas! I love and miss you all so much! Thank you for all the love and support you have given me. I hope you have a wonderful week and are looking forward to Christmas! :) 

Love, Sister Burton 


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