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Good Morning friends and family!! 
    So sorry about the other email again.. but I won't forget to send this one this time haha I promise! This week has been so good! I have learned and grown so much! This week started off freezing, the temperature was -12 with the windchill, but then it got up to about 60! It was crazy and kind of funny because it was cold at the beginning of the week and then right as it warmed up, we got the car. It was funny, but so grateful for wonderful members that drive us around :) 

We also had interviews with our mission president this week which went really well! He cares so much about each of us as if we are his own children, which is so great! During this time, my companion and I taught our district about how important it is to know the doctrine behind the commitments we extend. I loved being able to study the talk that was given by Elder Renlund called, "Treasure up the words of life." that he gave to mission presidents a while ago. He talked about how we need to know the doctrine that supports the invitations and commitments we extend so that they understand the importance of it. I loved this. As we treasure up the words, we will have a greater understanding of how important it is and we will want to share it with everyone around us. :) 

A miracle that happened this week was we went to Baxter Springs Kansas, which is in our area, but we don't get to go very often because of transportation. So once we got the car we decided to spend a day over there. We went to visit a less active member and he was super nice and told us to go see his daughter who lives on the other side of town. He said if she isn't home, try next door at the rock house. He said we would have to go around to the back door. We went and she didn't answer and the house next door had a chain fence blocking off the whole front so we had to go around just to knock on a door haha. We went around back and knocked on the door, then three people came out. The person we were looking for wasn't there, but we took that opportunity to share with Brett, Jacob, and Katie, our message about the Book of Mormon and the restored gospel. They really liked it! It was amazing! They were smoking, but as we talked about the Book of Mormon, they became more interested. One of them said he didn't believe in any of the religions and thought there were too many. I asked if he was searching for truth, and he said yes! So we gave him a Book of Mormon and are going back to start teaching them tomorrow. Something my companion pointed out was that we can't judge people by their outward appearances. Even though they looked like they didn't want anything to do with us, as we talked to them more we were able to see they have strong desires to know the truth. I know the Lord puts those who are prepared in our paths and that as we stand as witnesses of Christ at all times, people will noticed and be drawn to know more. I am just so beyond grateful for this experience and the chance we have to share with those around us the gospel, the things that make us so incredibly happy! :) 

Another amazing thing that happened was we got a referral from a member to go visit a less active in our area, but every time we tried to contact her she wouldn't answer. Until Saturday, we asked if we could come visit her and she's like, "You know, yes! I would like that." So we went over and heard her amazing story, which she has had a hard life, but she said every time she hits a low point in her life, a Mormon reaches out to her. She has decided to come back to church and plans on never leaving again. It was so cool! She also said she's been feeling a strong calling to get to the temple, so we will be working with her to help her get there. 

I just know that the Lord hears us. He hears our hearts and our prayers. He knows our desires and will help us get to where we need to be. As we act on the promptings we get and strive to do what is right, we will be guided every step of the way. I know this is true, and I am so grateful for the miracles that are happening. 

Thank you so much for all of your prayers, love, and support!! I love you all so much! I hope you have a great week and see many miracles! I urge to all look and see how the Lord's hand has been in your life sometime this week :) 

Love, Sister Burton 

​beautiful sunset we had!

Sister Robinette and I loving having a car!! 

Lots of pictures of the rainbow! It was a double rainbow for a little bit, but I'm not sure if you can see it haha but I thought the rainbow right over the casino sign was funny haha :) 


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