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HAPPY EASTER!! April 2, 2018

Happy General Conference too! 

What a wonderful weekend full of so much love! Things are going good here in Miami! Other than the crazy weather of course, but as everyone says, "Just wait 15 minutes and it will change." They aren't joking when they say that haha but it got cold again and very wet. it's been fun though :) 

General Conference was AMAZING!! I hope you all had the chance to watch it! It was so good! General Conference helped make me feel so much love for the people here and love for our Savior. It has also made me think about what I am doing to ACT on the promptings and knowledge I have received this weekend. I loved Elder Larry Y Wilson's talk and how he told the story on the boat and how we need to know how to properly receive personal revelation and then we need to act on it. I am going to work on asking the Lord each day, "Lord, what do I do to help solve the problem?." What do I do to help these people come closer to Christ? I know that this will help me listen to the Spirit more and focus on doing something to help those in our area. 

Spiritual experience going along with Conference: We had our investigator Erickk that I talked about last week come to General Conference! It was amazing, because just a couple days before we had a very powerful lesson on the Holy Ghost, how he can receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost after being baptized, and talked about Joseph Smith's experience. Then he said there was nothing stopping him from coming to church on Sunday and so he came! During the Sunday morning session it felt like they were saying everything that we had just talked about in our lesson and he felt that. He noticed that they talked about the things we discussed just a couple nights before. Then we were able to take him on a church tour after the conference and the Spirit was so strong. You could tell that things were clicking in his mind and he was gaining that witness and testimony. We asked him how he felt in the church and he said he felt welcomed. Now that he has been to church, he is looking forward to coming again. It's amazing how the Spirit helps us teach and testify to our investigators. Just as Elder Larry Y Wilson said, "It is a privilege to have the Holy Spirit be our guide." I loved this experience and being able to help see someone gaining that desire to change their life. I am also very grateful for the wonderful talks given in this General Conference. I really enjoyed seeing the theme of LOVE throughout the conference. I have felt God's love so much this week and I know that he truly is constantly telling us "I love you" like Elder Claudio D. Zivic said in his talk. 

I know that President Russell M. Nelson is our Prophet on the earth today and as well follow his guidance we will become closer to our Savior and Heavenly Father. We are so blessed to have the gospel in our lives! 

I hope you all have a fantastic week! If you missed any talks, go back and listen to them again! :) 

Love, Sister Burton 

We played flour ball last Monday at an old abandoned water park in Joplin. It was so much fun! ​

​Planting our Jelly Beans! It's a tradition! 

​They turned into lollipops!!

​Our Bishop brought us Easter Baskets!


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