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Hello friends and family!!

 This week was so good! We had a lot of fun and visited a LOT of people! It was fantastic! The members here are so good to us and really do want to help, so we are working hard with them to help them become even greater missionaries :) It rained a lot at the beginning of the week, but it was fun knocking on peoples door in the rain. We got into a couple houses because of it :) At night the fireflies all come out and it is so AMAZING! There are lots of fields here that are just full of them and it is so cool to see at night.

Fun story, so today we got to do a little photo shoot with one our members and her 3 year old son. It was so much fun! Sister Wamsley was a wedding photographer before the mission so she has skills to do it. We took pictures of them making/eating spaghetti and cutting cabbage. It was cute. We were asked to do it for our Mission Presidents wife to use for the family history booth they have in Bentonville. It was really cool that we got to help be a part of it! There are so many things I've done so far that I didn't know I would do as a missionary, but I love it. We were able to use the time as an opportunity to get to know this member more and gain her trust. :) 

On Saturday we went to go visit some more people on our list from our Relief Society President and I noticed we were close to someone else so we went there first and it was a really spiritual moment. We hadn't planned to go see her, but we ended up being there just at the right time. She just pulled up before us and was very open and welcoming to us. We sat on her porch and talked to her and she opened up right away. She mentioned it was hard for her to deal with the things she has been going through and we told her how much Heavenly Father loves her and it was so emotional. I never felt the Spirit so strong and felt God's love for this woman so strong. It was so heart breaking to see her having a hard time and I just wanted to tell everything is going to be okay because God has a plan for you. I was asked to give the closing prayer and I started to tear up because I knew that Heavenly Father loved her, just as He loves all of us, and He wanted me to tell her so I did. It was so touching and powerful, I don't think I'll ever forget that. It made me think about how blessed we are to have the knowledge of the Plan of Salvation, but I realized that doesn't mean we always remember it. This was a woman who knew about the Plan of Salvation, but she let herself forget about what it meant for her and her family. I feel that that is another VERY Important reason why we go to church. So that we can renew our covenants with Heavenly Father and also to go to the classes to remember what the Gospel of Jesus Christ means to us. It was a wonderful experience for me this week.

I am so grateful for the gospel in my life and this time I have to share it with others as a full time missionary. It is such an amazing experience helping others come closer to Christ. 

I love and miss you all!! Thank you for supporting me!! I'm sorry this email is a day late, but we email in the library and it was closed for memorial day. So HAPPY TUESDAY! haha :) 
Love, Sister Burton

302 S Mock St. Apt #A4
Prairie Grove, AR

​basketball with our district! It was so much fun!

​This is Jacob! We were teaching him, but he's moving to California so they will start teaching him soon! 

​A member in the ward restored two John Deere Tractors- one from 1950 and the other one that he drives in the video was from 1937.

​We got this old puzzle from someone in the ward and we finished it yesterday!


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