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BANISH YOUR DOUBTS!! July 16, 2018

Hey friends and family!! 

This week was great!! I learned a lot this week. We had interviews with our mission president and his wife and we talked about our doubts. We talked about what are doubts are, where they come from, and most importantly, how to banish them. It was so great!  I loved the list we created for HOW we can banish them. It's easy to think of the doubts and mostly figure out where they're from, but knowing how to get rid of them is the hardest part so I am very grateful for the list we made. I have been focusing on the small victories and other people. This has helped me think more about how it's not about me, it's about those I am serving and working with. This helps me focus on my purpose and the positives leaving no more room for doubts. We all came up with a list of how to banish them, here is some of the list:

>focus on small victories
>ACT, move ahead, gain motivation
>Talk back to negative thinking
>Take a step back and analyze
>Focus on the things you can control
>Focus on strengths 
>Focus on others (forget yourself, and get to work!)
>Acknowledge growth (look back in journal)
>Prayer, scriptures, church (Sunday school answers)
>get comfortable with being uncomfortable
>focus on who you are becoming

here are the scriptures with it: 2 Samuel 11-12 and Psalm 51 

 Another thing I learned this week as well is that it's okay to fail. I'm not perfect, nor will I ever be and I won't be able to learn and grow if I don't fail. So, as a missionary, I fail, but it's in those failures that I learn to trust in Heavenly Father and rely on the Savior's Atonement to help lift me up. Then as I see the success I will love and treasure it more, because I have been through the failures to get there. The main takeaway I got was, it's OKAY to fail. We are all going to, but it's what we do with that failure that makes us who we are. I thought it was pretty cool and comforting, because for me, I don't see a lot of baptisms or lots of people open to hearing what we have to say, or things like that. But I do see people changing their lives and I see how it is changing my life as well. Being a missionary is one of the greatest things I have ever decided to do, because I am learning so much about the gospel and me. I'm learning about who I am, and who I want/can become. The work is so great! I know that the Lord is working on me and changing me to become a wonderful disciple of Jesus Christ. I love the gospel so very much and the opportunity I have to share it, despite my doubts, my failures, and my weaknesses. Sharing the gospel is the best thing we could all be doing at this time. 

I love you and miss you all!! Thank you for your love and support!! Have a wonderful week!! 


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