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Woohoo Hello Familyyyy!! (Picture the guy on frozen as you read it) 

What an adventurous week!! I am doing great! I am loving this area and the people. It's been really fun getting to know everyone more. We got a couch this week!! A member here sold their lake house and had an extra couch, so who better to give it to then the missionaries! haha so now we have it and it is wonderful.

So, I got a journal from my friend back home that says "Enjoy the little things." I've been thinking about what to write in it and then I thought, why not just write the little things that I love that are happening. It's been so amazing to see! I've been writing down the miracles and the blessings that have been happening and it's really eye opening to see that things really are happening. I was also studying the gospel of Jesus Christ the other day and I really focused on the first two points, Through Christ we can be cleansed from sin and Faith in Jesus Christ. I love how in both these sections it talks about how we have ACT. "He forgives our sins when we accept Him, repent, and obey His commandments." We have to do something and He will forgive us of our sins. Then with faith, "Faith in Christ leads to action." I love this because faith is an action word, if we have faith in Jesus Christ then we will desire to follow the example of Jesus Christ which leads to making small steps and eventually covenants with God. As a companionship we decided to try a finding new people to teach approach by choosing a focus each day like, family history, former people being taught, less actives, etc.. and then at the end it said be grateful as the miracles start happening. We acted on our faith that if we do this, if we do the little things, miracles would happen and they did! We saw an amazing miracle yesterday as we went to go visit someone who had previously said she wanted to learn more but every time we tried to contact her she wasn't there. So after getting a couple doors closed in our faces, (it was pretty rough) but then we decided to try her and it was a miracle because she was home! She was so happy to hear we were the mormons because she had just written down on her to-do list to learn more about the mormons and then we showed up. It was such a miracle because she has been prepared to learn and has a sincere desire to do so! It's amazing to see how has we ACT on our faith the Lord can do miracles. I am so grateful for the things I am learning and being able to see the miracles that come from acting on faith. It's wonderful enjoying the little things! 

Also, something really cool. We were watching the Cokeville Miracle and I started thinking about how when the main guy starts investigating and putting everything together, it was all the little things that ended up keeping everyone safe. It was the little things like opening the windows, making the square, keeping the doors open, praying, and so on that kept everyone safe. It's so amazing how the Lord works. Sometimes it's like a light switch and is sudden, but more likely it's like a sunrise and takes the little things for something great to happen, but without the little things, nothing would happen. Anyways, I sure hope this makes sense, but I truly am gaining such a strong testimony about enjoying the little things. I know that Heavenly Father is going to give us some trials and challenges, but as we focus on those little things and enjoy them, then we can do anything! I challenge all of you to think about and write down those little things that you enjoy and I promise that as you ACT on your faith, you too will be able to start seeing miracles. 

I love and miss you all!! Thank you for all your prayers! :) 

Since I finally got the computer to work to send pictures here's a lot!! haha enjoy!! :) 

​Look! These are the Hills- they are good friends with the Browns! How cool is that?? 

​giant ugly hog haha here in Fayetteville, they just built it. 

a member we are working with just gave me this Polaroid camera! So sweet! 

​exchanges with the Springdale Sisters (Sister Knight, one of my previous companions!) 

Old cars at the Andersons, I was in heaven!! 

​someone we are teaching has 4 ferrets and they just roam everywhere! Crazy and sort of gross! haha 


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