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TRY IT!!! July 9, 2018

Hello Friends and Family!

This week was super good! I learned a lot! We got to meet our new Mission President and his wife this week! yay! They are so sweet! I am very excited to be able to work with them, even though it is sad to see the Lovelands go, they were amazing. I'm President and Sister Strong will be too!
One thing I learned from President Strong this week was to TRY IT. He talked a little bit about how you won't know unless you try. This really stuck out to me because it works so well with everything! Like, you never know if that person is going to be interested in the gospel unless you try talking to them, right? You don't know if you'll be good at something unless you try. I love this so much! I'm not sure why it clicked so well, but it did. and it's TRUE! We are here to TRY. We have been sent to earth and given the gift of agency to try things. To try to improve and be better. We can't become perfect at something unless we try. I am so grateful for the gospel and the things that I am learning as a missionary.

Miracle this week is we went and visited with a member who hasn't been to church in years and she said that she wants to come back now. She wants to become strong in the gospel to help her husband. It was amazing! we met her last week and then yesterday, she came to church!! It was so wonderful having her there! Even though she felt sick to her stomach, she came because she knew that was where she needed to be and how she can draw closer to her Heavenly Father again. It was such a testimony builder for me, because the Lord prepares people. She has had many experiences that have prepared her for this time to come back to church. We are going to be working hard with her and I am so excited about it! I love her and her desire to make things better. Only through the Savior Jesus Christ can we be healed and made better. I love this gospel so much and the opportunity to be a missionary. Thank you everyone for helping me and supporting me!

I love and miss you all! Have a wonderful week! I challenge you to look for the miracles and TRY!


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