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DEVON GOT BAPTIZED!! August 27, 2018

Oh man! So many wonderful things happened this week I don't even know where to start... okay
so funny story, we went bowling last Monday and it was my 1st roll and I went up (mind you, I haven't bowled since before my mission which it's been over a year now..) and I went to let go, but it didn't work out to well so I stumbled forward which put me on the greasy side of the lane and then I totally lost it. It was like slow mo as I tried to stop myself from falling, but in the end I was laying down on my back. It was so sad, but so funny!! I have a lovely bruised elbow now, but hey good news, I won!! In the end I beat them all haha it was crazy. 

On a more spiritual note we had interviews on Wednesday with our mission President and his wife. It was so wonderful! After, President Strong interviewed someone we have been working with for baptism and after the interview they came out and President Strong said Charlie has some news to share. All of us missionaries standing in the hall got really quiet and Charlie said, "I'm getting baptized" while tears were coming down her face. I don't even know how to describe it, but she has been working so hard and we are so excited for her. She's already been making all the plans for her baptism which I think is fantastic!! 

Then, super great, we had an amazing experience this Saturday when Devon, the 16 year old we've been working with, was baptized!! YAY!!! It all happened pretty fast, but we had so many of the members there to support him and his non member family! We were able to take his family on a church tour after the baptism which was amazing. It think one of the coolest parts about it was his brother in law who just got baptized down in Van Buren was able to baptize him. It was such a special experience for the both of them. Now the ward is working super hard to help Devon feel loved and welcomed into the ward. Yesterday he received the Gift of the Holy Ghost and was ordained to the office of a Priest in the Aaronic Priesthood. It was such a special, spiritual experience to be a part of this wonderful change in Devon's life. Yesterday after church he texted us and said that he felt something different at church. Then he said he felt like all of the bad was gone. It was so AMAZING to see how he was able to recognize the Spirit and feel the change in him. I am so excited for him to continue his journey drawing closer to the Savior Jesus Christ. I know this strengthened my testimony in the knowing that this truly is Jesus Christ's church. Being able to see how others recognize and feel the Spirit reminds me of how I feel the Spirit. It was so great! I love this gospel so much. 

on a gross/crazy note, I ate SQUIRREL!! Now I can truly say I'm an Arkansan haha! It was so weird!! Like chicken, but different.. haha we did some more service with our fun friend Bobby at his farmers market and he told us we had to try it so we did. Adventures in Arkansas!! haha 

Thank you all so much for your love, support, and emails!! I'm sorry I'm terrible at emailing you all back right away, but I promise I see them, and I feel your love!! Thank you! Have an AMAZING week!! :) 

Love, Sister Burton

302 S Mock St. Apt #A4
Prairie Grove, AR


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