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I LOVE THE SABBATH DAY!! August 6, 2017

If you were to ask me what my favorite day of the week was I think I'd have to say SUNDAY! So many amazing things happen on Sunday and we get to go to church and partake of the sacrament. It's seriously the best day ever :) 

Yesterday we had some amazing things happen at church. We got a referral Saturday for a 16 year old boy named Fernando (name has been changed by S.Rosenberg)  and he was so excited to meet us and come to church. So we got him a ride and he came! It was our first time meeting him and at first he was very shy and a little uncomfortable being somewhere he had never been before, but throughout church his mind changed. Our testimony meeting was so wonderful! There were many testimonies given on the power of prayer and acting on promptings. He said after that, that this was going to be his church and he felt like he was home. He even brought up being baptized! It was such a tender experience to see how when people come to church, they feel the Spirit and the Spirit testifies about the truth that this is Jesus Christ's church restored on the earth again. We also had members who hadn't been coming for a long time come and receive a calling! It was so great! I loved being able to see how this ward has grown so much in the past couple months. It was really a testimony builder for me that this IS Christ's church. and it IS the same all around the world. I know I talked about this before, but it's amazing to see how the church truly is the same all over the world. We talked about it yesterday in Relief Society and I kept thinking about how Fernando said he felt at home after coming to church and that's exactly how I feel. Even though I know I am miles away from home, I know that going to church will be the same no matter where I am. It brings me so much peace and comfort to know that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. 
Jesus Christ's doctrine is never changing and because people are accepting and acting on it, miracles are happening. I love it! 

Something funny.. A member kept asking us where we lived and we were like, uh...why? and she wouldn't tell us. So yesterday we went with a different member to take one of the people we are teaching home and as we came back to the church to get our car we caught her putting sticky notes all over it and trying to leave us a little gift basket thing. It was so funny! The member driving honked at her and she's all "DANG IT!" It was hilarious!! 

I love the people in this area!! I am so grateful for all of your prayers!! I hope you all have a SOOOOIIIEET week! :) 


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