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YAY 2019!! December 31, 2018

Hey y'all!! 

This week was so great! We had a wonderful Christmas Eve and spent it with our branch president and his family. They have a family tradition of acting out the Nativity story and we got to be a part of it. So cool! I thought it was very special way to remember the reason for the season. Also it was fun and we got to be the wise men! (: 

Christmas was AMAZING! I got to talk to my Family!!! YAY! It was crazy because it was my companions 1st call and my last call home. But it was such a wonderful time talking to them and we spent most of the day at the Duffins. They are such an awesome family! We opened presents, opened oysters for Pearl's, ate lots of food, talked really loud, shared fun memories, and laughed a lot. It was a very good time. It felt like I was surrounded by family (: then at night we went to go do service, but it didn't work out the way we planned so instead we went to a neighborhood and handed out "Thank you for your Christmas lights" Light the world cards. It was so much fun! At first we were hesitant to go to peoples houses on Christmas but when we thanked them for their lightes they loved it and felt so happy we appreciated them. It was a neat experience. That is what Christmas is about, sharing the Joy with others and helping lift everyone around us. I love it so much!! 

Then on Wednesday we did a big service project as a district and helped salvation army sort through some canned goods. It was fun! Then we all went to the movie theater and saw The Grinch!! Our mission president said that we could as a Christmas present. It was awesome! It was great being in a movie theater again, but also kind of weird Haha its been a long time. But it was a great day! 

The rest of the week was full of service, singing, and having fun! We got a referral this past week and so we went to see them! All we knew at first was the name was T and they wanted a Bible. We pulled up next to this trailer house and a woman opened the door. We said hey we're the sister missionaries and we were told someone named T lived here and wanted a Bible. She said, yeah that's me. Then she realized how cold it was so invited us in and we were able to share a short message with her about the Bible and our purpose as missionaries. She was so open!!! She said she really wanted a Bible because she wanted to know the answer to her question. Her questions was, "When I die and see my dad, will i know him as my dad??" It was such a neat question! We were able to testify of the Plan of Salvation and the knowledge that we can be with families for eternity. We are so excited to go back and teach her! Amazing miracle. 

We also got to teach combined 3rd hour yesterday at church. We talked about member missionary work. It was so fun hearing the members of the branch testify of the importance of missionary work. It truly is something we all can and should be doing. If we have experienced this joy from the gospel, wouldn't we want to share it with everyone??? It was neat because in Preach My Gospel it talks about how people not of the church are searching for a sense of belonging and what it truly means is they are looking for the knowledge that they are a child of God. That is something that we grew up knowing in our church. We KNOW that we have a loving Heavenly Father and that WE ARE His children. Other people are looking for that knowledge too. We just have to share that with them. It was so cool being able to have a discussion about that!! So many good things! 

I'm looking forward to setting more goals to make this next year a great and Joyful one!! I hope you all can set some goals that will push you and motivate you!! Dont forget your missionary goals as well!! I love and miss you all!! Have a FANTASTIC WEEK!!! I'll see you all next year!


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