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What a wonderful week!! 

We had a really great week full of learning and growing. We had interviews with our mission president and that was really good! We watched the last four minutes of the Restoration and while we watched it we were all invited to think about what the Restoration means to us. Then we went around the room and shared our thoughts with everyone. It was amazing what everyone said! One that really stood out to me was two of the sisters said to them, it meant Clarity. I really liked this because the Restoration gives us clarity in God's plan and love for each of His children. I invite all of you to watch the last four minutes of the Restoration and ponder what it means to you. Then maybe share it with someone or me :) I know that we have been blessed with the Restoration and because we have the Book of Mormon, we are able to fully understand the gospel of Jesus Christ. How lucky are we to be on the earth at this time! 

 Another spiritual experience I had this week was, last Monday I fasted for guidance to be a more consecrated missionary. Throughout the day what kept coming to my mind was "serve Him with all your heart, might, mind, and strength." I felt that this was my answer to stay focused by continuing to remind myself of my desires to serve God and focus on my purpose. Then, later in the week we had the traveling sisters with us for a couple days and having them here opened my mind to many new things for this area. I had the chance to evaluate what I was doing in this area and how I can improve. It is always so great having another perspective in the area to remind me that there are many different things we can do to teach and find. They were also wonderful examples to me of serving with all their heart, might, mind, and strength. I felt a new commitment to serve the Lord this week and I know that as I stay focused that He will help me become a more consecrated missionary. This was such a spiritual experience for me and I know that this will help me so much during the rest of my mission. 

I am so thankful for all of your love and support!! I am having such a wonderful time out here on my mission! I hope you all have a fantastic week and remember how much Heavenly Father loves you. 

I love and miss y'all! 
Love, Sister Burton 

Funny Story: Sister Najera and I had just said our prayer for the night and she got up to go to the bathroom. Then when she came back she had to walk by my bed to get to hers so I jumped out and screamed and I got her so good! She screamed too and boy, it was so funny! I couldn't pass up the opportunity haha. oh man, it just reminded me of when I would scare Jalyn back home. Anyways, that was something funny, don't worry, she still likes me! haha 

​These are the traveling Sisters this transfer! So fun being with them! 

​I looked out the window and what did I see?? SNOW! hah! :) 


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